- Definition of personal information
The owner of this website defines personal information as any existing information (name, date of birth, other specific information that can identify a person) related to a person under current personal information protection law. Including e-mail address, user ID, password, credit card information etc. that related to and used by specific people. Also other personal information relating to interests, family structure, age etc.
- Cookie, IP address information
Regarding Cookie and IP address, since they can identify a person individually, therefore are not considered as personal information. However, the above information will be considered as personal information when they are used with other personal information. The owner of the website will state the purposes and method when using Cookie and IP address, even when they cannot identify specific person. Also, it is possible that the information of Cookie is refused by the setting of browser. We will also announce when Cookie is refused and cannot use the service.
- Specify the purpose of use of personal information
The owner of the website will only use the collected personal information for specific purpose of use.
- Limitation on use of personal information
Without the consent of the person, the owner of this website will not handle the collected personal information exceed the use of purpose. The same policy applies to the condition when we collect the personal information by means of other reason. However, this does not apply in the following cases.
1) When required by law
2) When it is necessary to protect the life, body or property of a person, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
3) When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the health development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
4) When it is necessary for a national institution or local public entity or a person to carry out the affairs stipulated by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the person would hinder carrying out of the affair.
- Appropriate collection of personal information
The owner of this website will collect personal information in an appropriate way, and never fake or inappropriately collect information. Also, we would pay attention not to collect personal data from children under age of 15.
- Notice regarding the purpose during personal information collection
The owner of this website will state its purpose when collecting personal information, but not include the following situation.
1) The state or inform of the purpose to the person will harm the life, body properties or the person or any third person, as well as its rights and benefits.
2) The state or inform of the purpose to the person will harm the rights and the reasonable benefit of the owner of this website.
3) When it is necessary to offer help under law to national authorities or district public groups or people delegated by the above groups. And the state or inform of the purpose to the person will hinder the execution of the action.
4) When the purpose can be clearly known under the situation of collection.
- Change regarding the purpose of collecting personal information
The owner of this website, when changing the purpose of collecting personal information, will ensure that there are relatedness between the original version. And will inform or state the changed purpose to the person under reasonable extent.
- Safety management to personal information and supervision on employees
The owner of this website, will ensure the safety management to prevent the leak, lost and damage of personal information. Constructing regulation of protecting personal information and undergo essential and correct supervision to employees.
- Supervision on consignor
The owner of this website will sign a confidential agreement with the consignor when consigning others to handle all or part of the personal information. Also, we will request the opponent to follow the policy of this website, to ensure that consignor have follow safety management to the personal information and we can have suitable supervision.
- Limitation on providing data the third party
The owner of this website will not provide data to the third party without the consent of the person. Excluding the following situation.
1) When required by law
2) When it is necessary to protect the life, body or property of a person, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
3) When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the health development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
4) When it is necessary for a national institution or local public entity or a person to carry out the affairs stipulated by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the person would hinder carrying out of the affair.
5) When the following issues is informed or published beforehand.
1. The purpose includes providing information to the third party.
2. Item that provides data to the third party.
3. Means and solution provided to the third party.
4. Under the request of the person to stop providing personal information to the third party.
The following situation if not included in the above stated third parties.
1) The owner of this website necessarily to consign others the handle all or part of the personal information to achieve the purpose.
2) And with other reason follows work succession and require provision of personal information.
3) Sharing personal information with specific people, including items that share the usage of personal information, the range of share users, purpose of users and the names of person in changing of the related management of personal information. When we can inform the person beforehand and the person can easily be informed about the situation.
- The publish of personal information
The owner of this website, will publish the personal information as soon as possible under the request of the person. But when the contents include any of the below items, we will not publish all or part of it. When we have decided not to publish, we will inform the person as soon as possible.
1) When it harms the lives, bodies, properties and other rights and benefits of the person or any third party.
2) When it is possible to seriously affect the normal operation of the business of the owner of this website.
3) Under the violation of laws, such as other personal information apart from browsing history, will not be published as a general rule.
- Change of personal information etc.
When the personal information is not true and the person wants to change, add or delete (as 'change etc.' below) the contents, the owner of this website consider based on the compulsory range of the purpose. And will do investigation as soon as possible, apart from the special procedure set by other laws. Changes will be done based on the investigation results, and we will inform the person about it as soon as possible.
- Suspension of use of personal information etc.
If the person thinks that the handling of personal information exceeds the stated purpose, or with the reason that the personal information is fake or improperly collected, and require suspension or delete (as 'suspension etc. below) the information, the owner of this website will undergo investigation needed as soon as possible. We will suspend the use of personal information based of the investigation result, and inform the person about it. However, if the suspension involves extra fee, or there is other situation that makes the suspension becomes difficult, we will take other measure to protect personal interest when necessary.
- Reason explanation
Even if under the request of the person, the owner of this website
1) will not inform the purpose
2) will not publish part of all of the personal information
3) will not suspend the use of personal information
4) will not stop providing personal information to the third party
When the any of the above items is decided, we will inform the person and explain the reason.
- Enquiry
If you have any question about the privacy policy of this website, please click the link below. Enquiry about privacy policy.